Quality – the key to success
Added on 07/04/2022
‘Success’ is usually the achievement of an expected outcome which is driven by a predefined process.

How do we define success? ‘Success’ is usually the achievement of an expected outcome which is driven by a predefined process. This process is monitored over its lifecycle and should be aligned with dynamic influencers: the ‘risks and opportunities’.
Risks may be external (legal landscape, technology, politics etc.) or internal (security, expertise, lack of follow-up etc.). The list is endless. The aim is not to list all the variables, but to define how ‘risk and opportunities’ (R&O) should be managed. In other words, each R&O item has to be quantified by using a matrix system. What is the probability of the risk and what may be the impact on the organisation and the expected outcomes (deliverables)? In some cases, silent monitoring is sufficient while in others an action plan has to be set up to handle potential influencer(s) proactively. This may result in the adaptation of processes as well as in structural changes in the organisation. So much for the theory, but how does it work in ‘real life’?
As an external business partner working with innovative healthcare companies, we believe that in long-term partnerships between the service provider (Hebias) and the client some non-visible elements like quality control and the use of standardised procedures which may change over the life cycle of a partnership are hidden. This applies to the quality of our work as well as to the way in which we interact with our clients.
For example, to capture the needs of our clients, we have invented a handy checklist to establish a clear picture of the client’s needs and expectations (expected outcomes). By using this checklist, we retain a clear view of the scope of a project. It also ensures effective downstream communication within our project team which starts with a budget estimate (time and resource driven). Moreover, once an agreement has been entered into, the checklist is used as a reference document throughout the project and in the finalisation phase to check whether the deliverables are in line with what was agreed upfront.
Apart from a clear project scope, a robust project management system should be in place. The appointed project manager (PM) defines the needs and allocates the resources required. The PM defines each task and creates awareness of everyone’s responsibilities, leading to efficient and effective cooperation.
All processes used are part of a robust quality management system (QMS) at Hebias which carries a KIWA certification. Working in line with international quality standards is based on a number of quality management principles and provides a framework which helps to improve the quality that we aim for on a continuous basis.
For instance, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are defined for each process and enable measurement on predefined points of the way in which we work and allow ascertainment of whether we work in line with company goals. Internal and external audits help to monitor operations over time. Needless to say, all employees, including subcontractors, are closely involved in the continuous pursuit of optimisation.
Of course, the elements mentioned above are only a snapshot of the complete QMS. Web-based software can also be used to help retain an overview. We rely on Scilife as a centralised system which ensures optimised document management (procedures, work instructions, policies and templates) and automated follow-up of individual training.
Perhaps the greatest added value is that, thanks to our QMS, a true and spontaneous quality culture is noticeable within HEBIAS, where everyone is aware of his or her contribution to the ultimate goal, which is to create added value for our clients and their innovations.
This is the reason we are open and grateful to receive feedback from all stakeholders. After all, who else but our own clients and external stakeholders can provide us with the additional insight that allows us further to optimise our services in order to ensure a successful partnership?
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